Flying days for 2025
Next day of flying at Mullum Mullum
Monday, 17th February
Next day of flying at Frankston
Thursday, 20th February
All flying at Frankston is now at the new flying site (see below)
Next day of flying at Waverley
Friday, 14 February
Next day of flying at Wantirna Sth
Friday, 21st February
Monday, 17th February
Next day of flying at Frankston
Thursday, 20th February
All flying at Frankston is now at the new flying site (see below)
Next day of flying at Waverley
Friday, 14 February
Next day of flying at Wantirna Sth
Friday, 21st February
Indoor Aviation First Flying Day at Waverley 2025
Ian Jemmeson reports on the first day at Waverley for 2025
Waverley opened the year well supported with a big turn out for the first session in the New Year on the 31st of January.
We were supported by 16 keen flyers including 5 Rubber free flighters and 2 visitors.
We were very pleased to welcome Don Bladier again, who was helped attend by his son David.
Don is no longer able to fly models and is unable to drive now so needs help getting away from home.
The free flight group have supported Waverley as the best venue for them, as they have the sole use of court one except on a few booked out days. This allows them to fly in a quiet place, without any interference by electric models. The ceiling is quite high.
The 10am start time has been very much appreciated so that people can avoid the early morning traffic and come in quickly from some distances away. Our flying times are now 10am start with a finish around 1pm or later sometimes. I usually open up about 9.45 and put the urn on.
I can also report that John Julian has put in a power of work with the attendance dates program and has now almost entirely avoided any date clashes between sites. So it is important to keep an eye on our web site to see the new dates and also keep up with any changes that may occur.
I would like to warn attendees that the outside door from the carpark ramp West side where we enter courts 5 & 6 has now been replaced by an electrically operated glass slider. So to enter someone on the inside must
push the button to let people in. So just knock heavily and you will be able to enter.
Management have advised that the reason for this change is to provide access and egress for disabled in wheelchairs as the other ramp has too high a gradient.
With the great help of Tim Denyer we continue to support the show and tell session with morning coffee at 11am. This arrangement has been very popular with lots of interesting subjects covered by members.
I look forward to seeing you all again on Friday Feb 14.
Waverley opened the year well supported with a big turn out for the first session in the New Year on the 31st of January.
We were supported by 16 keen flyers including 5 Rubber free flighters and 2 visitors.
We were very pleased to welcome Don Bladier again, who was helped attend by his son David.
Don is no longer able to fly models and is unable to drive now so needs help getting away from home.
The free flight group have supported Waverley as the best venue for them, as they have the sole use of court one except on a few booked out days. This allows them to fly in a quiet place, without any interference by electric models. The ceiling is quite high.
The 10am start time has been very much appreciated so that people can avoid the early morning traffic and come in quickly from some distances away. Our flying times are now 10am start with a finish around 1pm or later sometimes. I usually open up about 9.45 and put the urn on.
I can also report that John Julian has put in a power of work with the attendance dates program and has now almost entirely avoided any date clashes between sites. So it is important to keep an eye on our web site to see the new dates and also keep up with any changes that may occur.
I would like to warn attendees that the outside door from the carpark ramp West side where we enter courts 5 & 6 has now been replaced by an electrically operated glass slider. So to enter someone on the inside must
push the button to let people in. So just knock heavily and you will be able to enter.
Management have advised that the reason for this change is to provide access and egress for disabled in wheelchairs as the other ramp has too high a gradient.
With the great help of Tim Denyer we continue to support the show and tell session with morning coffee at 11am. This arrangement has been very popular with lots of interesting subjects covered by members.
I look forward to seeing you all again on Friday Feb 14.
Indoor Aviation First Flying Day at the New Frankston Site
A David Benner video
First flying day at new Frankston site
The first flying day on 23 January at the new netball stadium in Hillcrest Street, Frankston was a great success. It is the building labelled Frankston and District Netball Association and may be marked on maps as Jubilee Park Stadium. Staff were extremely welcoming and hospitable and although the main courts were not available due to maintenance, the substitute they provided was a winner. A big thanks to Graham Plaskett for organising the new venue. Scroll down below the flying calendar for some pictures taken on the day.
Gate 1 is the main entry into Jubilee Park Stadium, which can be found at the roundabout on Hillcrest Rd and Leawarra Parade, indicated with the star on the map.
If you are travelling on Peninsula link turn off at Cranbourne Rd exit. Then turn right towards Frankston and turn left on Lee St at Macca's.
The list of Flying Days for 2025
These dates are subject to confirmation when Venues are open in 2025
- Donvale (Mullum Mullum) is normally every Wednesday and every 1st Monday, but with some variation.
- Frankston is normally every Thursday.
- Wantirna South is normally a Friday, but there is one Tuesday in November.
- Waverley is normally the 3rd Monday and 2nd and last Fri of the month except when Wantirna South is that Friday. There are also a couple of Tuesday flying days when Mullum clashes on a Monday.
Check the calendar!
Blast from the past: Ian Jemmeson found this video taken in 2007 at the Free Flight Association meet at Sandringham - includes an address by John Bird about indoor Aviation.
Thanks to David Benner for copying the original DVD to Youtube and putting it on his Youtube site.
Information about the DVD supplied by Ian Jemmeson
This video reports on a meeting of the Free flight Association in 2007.
They were meeting to fly monthly at the Bayside Badminton Club hall in Thomas St Sandringham and continued to do so for many years after 2007.
The hall meetings at Sandringham were organised and controlled by Reg Register and there were a number of people flying there who, like Reg, subsequently are now members of IAV
Like John Bird, Peter McCarthy, Don Bladier and others like Hans Hass who have since passed away. Don and Peter & Reg will recall most of their names.
The Paul who is mentioned as providing the video was also an early member of IAV - Paul Butler and the video was made by his brother Keith.
John Julian and I joined the group some time later but eventually John Bird, John Julian, myself and others decided to investigate the possibility of flying at another venue and somehow arrange TPI insurance cover,
This occurred in 2010 – 2011 when the Mens Shed organisation was approached, provided inexpensive insurance cover and we incorporated and began flying at Waverley as a Men’s Shed under the unfortunately brief Presidency of John Bird.
In this video Professor John Bird is seen speaking to the video, on his model flying hobby horse, explaining how things developed in the model aviation world.
John Bird is responsible for the name of our organisation: “INDOOR AVIATION”
The older members in this Sandringham group like Hans Hass were at the top of their game in constructing and flying super lightweight models as you will see in the film and much can be gained from looking at their activities carefully.
In providing this video we believe it to be an important part of early free flight model flying
and well worth preserving.
This video reports on a meeting of the Free flight Association in 2007.
They were meeting to fly monthly at the Bayside Badminton Club hall in Thomas St Sandringham and continued to do so for many years after 2007.
The hall meetings at Sandringham were organised and controlled by Reg Register and there were a number of people flying there who, like Reg, subsequently are now members of IAV
Like John Bird, Peter McCarthy, Don Bladier and others like Hans Hass who have since passed away. Don and Peter & Reg will recall most of their names.
The Paul who is mentioned as providing the video was also an early member of IAV - Paul Butler and the video was made by his brother Keith.
John Julian and I joined the group some time later but eventually John Bird, John Julian, myself and others decided to investigate the possibility of flying at another venue and somehow arrange TPI insurance cover,
This occurred in 2010 – 2011 when the Mens Shed organisation was approached, provided inexpensive insurance cover and we incorporated and began flying at Waverley as a Men’s Shed under the unfortunately brief Presidency of John Bird.
In this video Professor John Bird is seen speaking to the video, on his model flying hobby horse, explaining how things developed in the model aviation world.
John Bird is responsible for the name of our organisation: “INDOOR AVIATION”
The older members in this Sandringham group like Hans Hass were at the top of their game in constructing and flying super lightweight models as you will see in the film and much can be gained from looking at their activities carefully.
In providing this video we believe it to be an important part of early free flight model flying
and well worth preserving.
Ian has also provided some notes from his files on the origin of the existing Indoor Aviation group which grew out of the Sandringham activitiy.
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Some photos of the first flying day at the new Frankston location taken by david Benner and John Julian
Indoor Aviation End of Year Video
Another of David Benner's excellent videos.
0:00 Introduction
0:18 Mullum Mullum 16th September
1:06 Mullum Mullum 25th September
2:36 Waverley 8th October
6:00 Mullum Mullum 6th November
7:45 Mullum Mullum 27th November
7:52 Frankston 27th November
13:02 Mullum Mullum 4th December
16:53 Sign-off
0:18 Mullum Mullum 16th September
1:06 Mullum Mullum 25th September
2:36 Waverley 8th October
6:00 Mullum Mullum 6th November
7:45 Mullum Mullum 27th November
7:52 Frankston 27th November
13:02 Mullum Mullum 4th December
16:53 Sign-off
Col's latest "Insider" NEWSLETTER is here - Click on THE LINK BELOW
Issue #4
The link below summarises the conditions under which you may enter the Waverley Stadium
Availability is 10am-1pm
There is a $2 entry fee for 2025 to pay for morning tea..
There is a $2 entry fee for 2025 to pay for morning tea..
Availability is 9am-12pm
There is a $2 entry fee for 2025 to pay for morning tea..
There is a $2 entry fee for 2025 to pay for morning tea..
(The StaTe Basketball CENTRE)
Availability is 9am-12pm on court 13-15.
Entry is via the new entrance to the right looking at the front of the building.
Go past the cafeteria and take the walkway heading west to courts 13 to 15.
There is no entry fee for 2025.
Entry is via the new entrance to the right looking at the front of the building.
Go past the cafeteria and take the walkway heading west to courts 13 to 15.
There is no entry fee for 2025.
Mullum Mullum no longer operate the on line advance booking system .
Just come on the day and pay $5 at the counter with a card, or cash.
Just come on the day and pay $5 at the counter with a card, or cash.
start time at all venues EXCEPT WAVERLEY is 9:00am.
Flying can normally continue till 12:00 at minimum and 12:30 at most times but it may depend on other bookings for the day and Covid-safe cleaning requirements.
AT WAVERLEY Start IS 10:00am finishing at 1:00pm
Venue addresses
Waverley Basketball Stadium
Cnr. Batesford Rd & Power Ave. Chadstone/Ashwood 3148.
IA Contact Ian Jemmeson 9572 0070
State Basketball Centre
291 George Street Wantirna South
IA Contact Lew Rodman 9887 1060
Donvale (Mullum Mullum) Basketball Stadium
31 Springvale Rd, Donvale VIC 3111
IA Contact Laurie Clark 0415 867 240
Frankston Basketball Stadium
83R-85R Hillcrest Rd, Frankston VIC 3199
IA Contact Graham Plaskett 0412 137 296
Maps of the locations of all 4 are here.
1) Bookings may come up for Fridays all day, from schools that need all the courts for competitions. Any such priority bookings are not known at the start of the year but as soon as advance notice is received any alteration to the timetable will be notified on this web site if there is a clash.
2) On hot days in summer, the stadium management may be obligated to have the air conditioning on during the day to keep the venue cool for competitions. It cannot be turned off to accommodate indoor flying.
Waverley Basketball Stadium
Cnr. Batesford Rd & Power Ave. Chadstone/Ashwood 3148.
IA Contact Ian Jemmeson 9572 0070
State Basketball Centre
291 George Street Wantirna South
IA Contact Lew Rodman 9887 1060
Donvale (Mullum Mullum) Basketball Stadium
31 Springvale Rd, Donvale VIC 3111
IA Contact Laurie Clark 0415 867 240
Frankston Basketball Stadium
83R-85R Hillcrest Rd, Frankston VIC 3199
IA Contact Graham Plaskett 0412 137 296
Maps of the locations of all 4 are here.
1) Bookings may come up for Fridays all day, from schools that need all the courts for competitions. Any such priority bookings are not known at the start of the year but as soon as advance notice is received any alteration to the timetable will be notified on this web site if there is a clash.
2) On hot days in summer, the stadium management may be obligated to have the air conditioning on during the day to keep the venue cool for competitions. It cannot be turned off to accommodate indoor flying.
2024 Annual General Meeting
Committee for 2024/2025 elected at the AGM 30 Aug 2024
President - John Julian
Vice President - Lew Rodman
Secretary - Rick Miles
Membership Secretary - Michael Best
Treasurer - Laurie Clark
Committee Member - Greg Egan
Committee Member - Andrew Halstead
Minutes, President, Secretary and Treasurer's Reports from the AGM
Have been archived
President - John Julian
Vice President - Lew Rodman
Secretary - Rick Miles
Membership Secretary - Michael Best
Treasurer - Laurie Clark
Committee Member - Greg Egan
Committee Member - Andrew Halstead
Minutes, President, Secretary and Treasurer's Reports from the AGM
Have been archived

Indoor Flying Venues :
Waverley Basketball Stadium.
Knox Basketball Stadium
Donvale (Mullum Mullum) Basketball Stadium
Frankston Basketball Stadium
Membership is $40 per year which includes the AMSA Insurance.
In addition, there is a charge of $2 on the day when you fly to cover costs. The exception is at Mullum Mullum (Donvale) where fees are $5 on the day.
Non-members may fly as guests for no more than 3 sessions on payment of $2 each day ($5 at Mullum) and are covered by the AMSA insurance on those days.
In addition, there is a charge of $2 on the day when you fly to cover costs. The exception is at Mullum Mullum (Donvale) where fees are $5 on the day.
Non-members may fly as guests for no more than 3 sessions on payment of $2 each day ($5 at Mullum) and are covered by the AMSA insurance on those days.
For all enquiries please email the Hon Secretary,
Rick Miles
[email protected]
If you wish to join the 'Indoor Aviation special interest group', please come along to a flying day and introduce yourself or if you prefer contact the Hon Secretary by email using the details above.
Rick Miles
[email protected]
If you wish to join the 'Indoor Aviation special interest group', please come along to a flying day and introduce yourself or if you prefer contact the Hon Secretary by email using the details above.
Who are we?
The Australian Men's Shed Association - special interest group- Indoor Aviation
Melbourne Victoria Australia.
Indoor Aviation is a 'special interest group'- approved and insured* under Australian Men's Shed Association. Membership is open to all.
* Insurance coverage is for Indoor flying only at AMSA Indoor Aviation venues.
Melbourne Victoria Australia.
Indoor Aviation is a 'special interest group'- approved and insured* under Australian Men's Shed Association. Membership is open to all.
* Insurance coverage is for Indoor flying only at AMSA Indoor Aviation venues.
All persons wishing to fly must sign in and out on the 'attendance register' to be covered by AMSA insurance.
Non-marking soft sole shoes must be worn at all times on the courts.
No combustion fuel powered aircraft are permitted to fly at any Indoor Aviation venues.
In order to ensure safe flying in the 'shared' indoor space together with fragile free flight aircraft, all remote controlled aircraft will normally use 2.4 GHz equipment and single LiPo cells of not more than 350mAh capacity. This restriction also applies to helicopters and other rotor-craft.
Reasonable exceptions to this rule (for example the use of Infra Red and alternative legal radio frequencies or 2 cell LiPos) are at the absolute discretion of the Officer in Charge on the day and the onus is on the flyer to show that the use of such equipment will cause no potential damage to the flying environment and that any possible control conflicts are properly managed. More details here: Rules and Protocols
Non-marking soft sole shoes must be worn at all times on the courts.
No combustion fuel powered aircraft are permitted to fly at any Indoor Aviation venues.
In order to ensure safe flying in the 'shared' indoor space together with fragile free flight aircraft, all remote controlled aircraft will normally use 2.4 GHz equipment and single LiPo cells of not more than 350mAh capacity. This restriction also applies to helicopters and other rotor-craft.
Reasonable exceptions to this rule (for example the use of Infra Red and alternative legal radio frequencies or 2 cell LiPos) are at the absolute discretion of the Officer in Charge on the day and the onus is on the flyer to show that the use of such equipment will cause no potential damage to the flying environment and that any possible control conflicts are properly managed. More details here: Rules and Protocols
- Site last updated: 13 February, 2025. Website managed by John Julian