Important information on insurance for all persons flying @ AMSA venues
All persons wishing to fly must sign in and out on the 'attendance register' to be covered by AMSA insurance.
Normally participants will be members of Indoor Aviation and covered under the insurance arranged through the Australian Men’s Shed Association.
However the obligation to sign in and out applies to everyone, including those persons who are already AMSA men's shed members and those who may have a 'Men's Shed' membership which is not directly insured by the AMSA insurance broker Interrisk.
In case of any person who does not have Men's Shed membership status and is flying as a hosted "guest" these persons will have interim insurance cover and be fully covered for a total of three occasions only.
Thereafter, if they wish to fly at an AMSA indoor aviation venue, they must become members.
Normally participants will be members of Indoor Aviation and covered under the insurance arranged through the Australian Men’s Shed Association.
However the obligation to sign in and out applies to everyone, including those persons who are already AMSA men's shed members and those who may have a 'Men's Shed' membership which is not directly insured by the AMSA insurance broker Interrisk.
In case of any person who does not have Men's Shed membership status and is flying as a hosted "guest" these persons will have interim insurance cover and be fully covered for a total of three occasions only.
Thereafter, if they wish to fly at an AMSA indoor aviation venue, they must become members.
The low cost insurance is a very attractive benefit of the AMSA Indoor Aviation group as many household and personal insurance policies exclude activities of this kind.
The AMSA carried out a formal risk assessment in order to set the rates and conditions of the insurance cover and those conditions govern the policy.
Coverage is for indoor flying only and only at AMSA Indoor Aviation events.
For example you would not be covered if you came to Waverley and made personal arrangements to fly on a non-scheduled indoor flight day, or when you fly at another indoor venue even if you are a member of Indoor Aviation. Additionally you would not be covered if you took your model outside the Waverley stadium to fly (even on a scheduled flying day); all outdoor model aircraft flying activities are under the authority of CASA and the MAAA.
In the event of an incident that might result in a claim, the President or Secretary should be contacted in the first instance, either in person on the day or at the contacts on the first page.
The AMSA carried out a formal risk assessment in order to set the rates and conditions of the insurance cover and those conditions govern the policy.
Coverage is for indoor flying only and only at AMSA Indoor Aviation events.
For example you would not be covered if you came to Waverley and made personal arrangements to fly on a non-scheduled indoor flight day, or when you fly at another indoor venue even if you are a member of Indoor Aviation. Additionally you would not be covered if you took your model outside the Waverley stadium to fly (even on a scheduled flying day); all outdoor model aircraft flying activities are under the authority of CASA and the MAAA.
In the event of an incident that might result in a claim, the President or Secretary should be contacted in the first instance, either in person on the day or at the contacts on the first page.